Bad People Game

How To Play Bad People

Bad People Game Rules (PDF Instructions)

3 - 10
Play Time
20 - 60 MIN
Play Time
Bad People is a social deduction party game where players are divided into two groups: Good People and Bad People. The objective of the game is for the Good People to guess which player is a Bad Person, while the Bad People try to blend in and avoid being detected. The game is played in rounds, with different scenarios and challenges presented each round to test the players' deduction skills and deceive their opponents. It's designed for 4 to 10 players and is meant for a mature audience due to its content and themes.

In Bad People, players vote on hilarious and wild questions while getting to know each other's opinions and personalities. With each round, players will share outrageous stories and learn new things about their friends. This non-stop, savage card game is sure to bring endless laughs and entertainment to any gathering! Another great things - all players are actively engaged at all times. Buy your copy of Bad People today and let us know what you think. See the official PDF game rules below to learn how to play.
  • 370 Hilarious Cards
  • Player Identity Cards
  • 250 Question Cards
  • 100 Voting Cards
  • 10 Double Down Cards
  • Official Bad People Game Rules And Instructions
How to Win
Gain the most points during game play and you'll become the best person - the winner!
How to Win
Please keep in mind that the official Bad People PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.

Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about playing, problems with the directions, etc. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.



Human Question:
Which game starts with the same letter as Mancala: Chess, Uno, Monopoly, Battleship or Rummycube

Jennifer Jones says:

I really may be over thinking it. But this question(s) stems from a friend who bought this game and was taking it personal and feeling attacked. 1. Are the identity cards in some way supposed to represent the player who chose that card?? I.e. I chose the clown because I'm always joking people. 2. When asking the question from the "questions cards" are the answers supposed to pertain to the identity on the identity card?? i.e. question: who has stolen the most virginities?? The obvious answer per identity card would be the pimp or the pedophile (if that's what the card represents). BUT, if the person who chose that identity for the game has only had sex with their spouse, the answer couldn't be them. Or is the whole game up for interpretation and one can make up whatever rules makes the players feel better?? I truly would like to know the Intended way to play. I will explain it to my friend when and if I get a response. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP
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