Bananagrams Game

How To Play Bananagrams

Bananagrams Game Rules (PDF Instructions)

1 - 8
Play Time
30 MIN
Play Time
Possibly the best travel game of all time, Bananagrams is great to take with you wherever you decide to go. From its fun Banana storage bag to the very easy game play, you'll relax as you play this game (and even eat a real banana - not included). Younger kids can take part in this educational game and adults can battle it out using as much creativity as possible.

Each player starts with the same number of tiles. Players race to create their own grid of interconnected words, using all of their tiles. When a player needs a new tile, they must call out "Peel!" to signal to the other players. The player who runs out of tiles first is the winner.

Bananagrams has received positive reviews and awards, including recognition from the Toy Industry Association as one of the top games of the year in 2007. The game has been praised for its fast pace, ease of play, and ability to bring people together for fun and friendly competition.

Bananagrams is simple; there is no score. No need to learn complicated rules or read through pages of game instructions. All you need to do is correctly place down words and be the first to get rid of your tiles. That's it! Inexpensive, easy to transport, easy to learn, a blast to play with new challenges every time - what more could you want. Pick up Bananagrams and play it today!
  • 144 Tiles
  • A Storage Bag
  • Official Bananagrams Game Rules And Instructions
How to Win
If you can successfully use up all your letters then you are the Bananagrams game winner.
How to Win
Perparation: To get ready to play Bananagrams, you'll need to form the bunch. This is done by placing all 144 tiles face down in the center of the table. Each player then takes the amount of tiles listed below to start their pile.

-2 to 4 players: 21 tiles
-5 to 6 players: 15 tiles
-7 to 8 players: 11 tiles

Game Play: The game begins when someone calls out "split." At that point, everyone will turn their tiles face up. The race is on to arrange them in their own intersecting word grid. You can rearrange your words as often as you'd like and they must be read from left to right or top to bottom.

When any player places their last face up letter in their grid, that person calls out "peel!" All players must then take another tile from the bunch and add it to their pile to be placed into their grid.

"Dump" can be called out when you trade one of your letters, face down, back into the bunch in exchange for three more letters. You may dump as many times as you'd like but you must draw three more letters each time to you. This has no effect on the other players.

When the bunch is depleted (the pile of letter in the center) to fewer tiles than number of people playing, the first person to use all their letters in a connected word grid and call out "bananas" wins that hand. They are declared to be the Top Banana. Their title gets stripped from them and the game resumes if other players find a misspelling, a proper noun, an abbreviation or any other non-valid word. "Rotten Banana" is called out and the game resumes with the guilty player kicked out of the game.

Please keep in mind that the official Bananagrams PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.

Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about playing, problems with the directions, etc. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.



Human Question:
Which game starts with the same letter as Mancala: Chess, Uno, Monopoly, Battleship or Rummycube

Nell says:

This is the worst game ever, I hate this game
Herb says:

Two players: when no one can play and both have letters with a huge bunch in meddle...then what.
Denise Olson says:

Question: player pulled all their tiles (48) while other players did not- one player had 46 and another had 44. Player with 48 tiles played called BANANAS. Other two players dq'd player with 48 tiles because there were still 4 tiles left in the center. Should have the player been dq'd since they played all their tiles?
Denise Olson says:

Question: player pulled all their tiles (48) while other players did not- one player had 46 and another had 44. Player with 48 tiles played called BANANAS. Other two players dq'd player with 48 tiles because there were still 4 tiles left in the center. Should have the player been dq'd since they played all their tiles?
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