Official Global Warning Rules
How To Play Global Warning

4 - 7


90 MIN
Play Time

Global warming threatens the Earth! Unite your forces with the other players to resolve all the environmental problems before the planet overheats. The winner will be the one who uses the right solutions cards to resolve the most and biggest problems. But look out, if the global warming index reaches 75 points then everyone playing will loose.
Global Warning is a board game with a purpose - to teach all that play about the effects and strategies to combat global warming. It's fun, educational and challenging to win this simple yet engaging board game. With different challenges that arise every time, you'll never get board playing with the kids. Aimed for a younger audience, this game teaches and entertains. Grab a copy of Global Warning and add it to your family gaming collection.
Global Warning is a board game with a purpose - to teach all that play about the effects and strategies to combat global warming. It's fun, educational and challenging to win this simple yet engaging board game. With different challenges that arise every time, you'll never get board playing with the kids. Aimed for a younger audience, this game teaches and entertains. Grab a copy of Global Warning and add it to your family gaming collection.
- Game Board
- Cards
- Official Global Warning Game Rules And Instructions

The game ends when one player reaches the point total in the table (they win) or when the global warming index reaches 75 points (everyone looses).

Please keep in mind that the official Global Warning PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.
Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about playing, problems with the directions, etc. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.
Pete Donegan says:
I love that this game helps to teach a lesson and since it's cooperative it promotes team work
I love that this game helps to teach a lesson and since it's cooperative it promotes team work
Debra Branigan says:
This game sounds interesting. I like the fact it is cooperative and teaches about a real life situation. Thanks for the opportunity. All the games sounded fun.
This game sounds interesting. I like the fact it is cooperative and teaches about a real life situation. Thanks for the opportunity. All the games sounded fun.
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