Official MindTrap / Mind Trap Rules
How To Play MindTrap / Mind Trap



45 MIN
Play Time

Mindtrap is full of puzzle and mysteries that will have you second-guessing yourself. Mindtrap is a simple game to learn - when a question is asked, someone needs to answer or solve the problem. Be careful of traps in this game, they are more common than you might think.
Laugh the night away as you watch others fall victim or you fall victim yourself of a mind trap. Mindtrap, the board game, is great for larger groups and is a fun game that involves everyone's expertise. Give Mindtrap a try but be careful, you might want to think again about your answer.
Laugh the night away as you watch others fall victim or you fall victim yourself of a mind trap. Mindtrap, the board game, is great for larger groups and is a fun game that involves everyone's expertise. Give Mindtrap a try but be careful, you might want to think again about your answer.
- See The MindTrap Game Rules And Instructions

The winner is the first team or person to reach the end of the optical illusion by correctly solving the questions.

Please keep in mind that the official MindTrap PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.
Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about playing, problems with the directions, etc. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.
Patrick Ferguso says:
Please send me the directions on how to play MindTrap.
Please send me the directions on how to play MindTrap.
Kitty says:
How/where do I get the score sheet pad?
How/where do I get the score sheet pad?
David Hills says:
Where can I find a copy of the rules? This was bought at a car boot sale. And would a dice or die be used and how many
Where can I find a copy of the rules? This was bought at a car boot sale. And would a dice or die be used and how many
Greg says:
The game rules are listed above in the "how to play" section. You can view them or print them out.
The game rules are listed above in the "how to play" section. You can view them or print them out.
Joan P says:
Purchased Mind Trap game from thrift store and don't have instruction sheet, and can't download it and also need the 4-numbered die. Is this something you can send to me?
Purchased Mind Trap game from thrift store and don't have instruction sheet, and can't download it and also need the 4-numbered die. Is this something you can send to me?
Here are some other games you might like to play at your next get together. Learning how to play new games can feel daunting at first but once you get the hang of it, it can be really fun to try out new games. You can also use our search feature at the top of the page to search for a specific criteria that might interest you. Who knows - you might just find your next favorite game.