Official Oh Snap Rules
How To Play Oh Snap

2 - 6


20 MIN
Play Time

Oh Snap is a very basic game where players attempt to remove the correct pieces to give them the most points. Beware, it does look easier than it really is. This can turn from a simple toy to an all out strategy war as the game gets heated up. You'll have to study the consequences of each move and test your luck at removing just the right piece.
The game Oh Snap is a well built game that is much different than other games. This definitely is a thinking game and great that up to six people can play. With each game being different as you load the game differently each time, Oh Snap lives true to its name. Tell us what you think about this game below and pick up your own copy today.
The game Oh Snap is a well built game that is much different than other games. This definitely is a thinking game and great that up to six people can play. With each game being different as you load the game differently each time, Oh Snap lives true to its name. Tell us what you think about this game below and pick up your own copy today.
- Oh Snap Comes With A Game Board
- 22 Large Circular Pieces
- 22 Medium Circular Pieces
- 22 Small Circular Pieces
- A Drawstring Canvas Bag
- Official Oh Snap Game Rules And Instructions

Strategically remove pieces to gain the most points. If you have the most points at the end of the game you win.

Perparation: Pull back on the crossbar and randomly place all of the pieces on the game board, gently release the bar. The pressure is on!...quite literally.
Game Play: Players take turns pulling out pieces without causing the bar to move. If successful, you keep the pieces. If the bar moves, your turn is over and your piece is sent to the discard pile. Once all of the pieces have been removed, the points are tallied and the player with the most points wins.
Large pieces = 15 points
Medium pieces = 10 points
Small pieces = 5 points
Please keep in mind that the official Oh Snap PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.
We are on the hunt for more information about Oh Snap but have not found anything yet. If you have any information regaring the Oh Snap game rules or instuctions let us know and we will add it to this page. We will post any updates to this page as soon as we find it.
Game Play: Players take turns pulling out pieces without causing the bar to move. If successful, you keep the pieces. If the bar moves, your turn is over and your piece is sent to the discard pile. Once all of the pieces have been removed, the points are tallied and the player with the most points wins.
Large pieces = 15 points
Medium pieces = 10 points
Small pieces = 5 points
Please keep in mind that the official Oh Snap PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.
Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about playing, problems with the directions, etc. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.
Bella says:
Question: If the line moves and some pieces get on the framework (not within the game area within the board) are they out of game? Are these pieces in game or in the discard pile? Is the framework the board? We have the prop that some consider the framework out of the board as it is not the game board. Other say that it is called "board" and board is the whole thing. For me, it does not make sense that the framework counts- it is the framework, not the game board. I cannot find clear definition. In the description, it only talks about board without making any concrete explanation. For any help, we would be very thankful!
Question: If the line moves and some pieces get on the framework (not within the game area within the board) are they out of game? Are these pieces in game or in the discard pile? Is the framework the board? We have the prop that some consider the framework out of the board as it is not the game board. Other say that it is called "board" and board is the whole thing. For me, it does not make sense that the framework counts- it is the framework, not the game board. I cannot find clear definition. In the description, it only talks about board without making any concrete explanation. For any help, we would be very thankful!
ray meyers says:
Great Family game. Much more popular in the pre-CP generation - sadly! I hope one of my Great-Grand Children will play the game and enjoy it!
Great Family game. Much more popular in the pre-CP generation - sadly! I hope one of my Great-Grand Children will play the game and enjoy it!
Here are some other games you might like to play at your next get together. Learning how to play new games can feel daunting at first but once you get the hang of it, it can be really fun to try out new games. You can also use our search feature at the top of the page to search for a specific criteria that might interest you. Who knows - you might just find your next favorite game.