Parcheesi Children's Game

How To Play Parcheesi

Parcheesi Game Rules (PDF Instructions)

2 - 4
Play Time
30 MIN
Play Time
Parcheesi, the board game is based on the Indian game of pachisi. Originating in the U.S. in 1860, Parcheesi is a long-time favorite game for families. Players try to get all four of their pawns around the board from their starting position to their home row. Competition can get pretty tough when other players get in the way by capturing pawns and sending them home, erecting blockades, or finding ways around your traps.

Parcheesi is a wonderful game for families, but be aware, there are small pieces which can be a choking hazard for young children. Also check out Parcheesi Deluxe and Parcheesi Royal Edition for more Parcheesi fun for the whole family.
  • Parcheesi
  • The Game
  • Should Come With Game Board
  • 16 Pawns
  • 2 Die
  • Complete Parcheesi Game Rules And Instructions
How to Win
To win Parcheesi you must be the first player to move all four of your pawns from your start circle to home.
How to Win
Please keep in mind that the official Parcheesi PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.

Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about playing, problems with the directions, etc. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.



Human Question:
Which game starts with the same letter as Mancala: Chess, Uno, Monopoly, Battleship or Rummycube

Jacob says:

Three of four pawns in finish home one three spaces from the home but I roll a two. The game rules state that you have to move the number of dice if you can but if I do move two then I'm one away from home and it's impossible to roll a one with two dice. What happens? Do I automatically lose? Do I not move two? Do I drop down to one dice?
Carlos says:

a player on the home row is 7 away from home. Do I have to roll a 7 to get him in, or can I move him up with a lower number?
Doug W says:

With 1pawn in START, 2 pawns blockade in the blue area just outside of my START, and 1 pawn in play in the board. The dice show 4 and 1. Does the blockade need to be separated to allow a pawn to enter from START OR can the single pawn in play elsewhere on the board move?
Carol says:

Please explain when two pawns have entered the home row and playing with 2 dice and one pawn is 2 spaces from reaching home and the other pawn is 4 spaces from home. Say you roll a 2 and a 5. Can you move the one pawn to the home row, but not move the pawn that is 4 spaces away? Or, do both dice have to have the exact number of moves in order to move them both.
AngelBee says:

You can definitely get the pawn spaces away and then keep moving
Jim says:

I have 1 pawn out and I roll double ones. There is a free space with an opponents pawn on it one space away. Can I still move the two spaces? (If each move is separate then if I moved one space I'd be landing on an occupied free space)
Kayla says:

If you get the doublers bonus Becuase you have four out and then get one sent back to home do you still take the entire 14
NDH says:

If you are one space from home, can you roll just one of the dice?
Nicolas says:

Does your farthest pawn go back to your nest if you roll 3 doubles?
Jeanie says:

If Ii am on a safety space can my opponent also land there, and is it a blockade?
Marc says:

Question I'm at red space for home and need a 4 to win and get a double 2 totaling 4 my Opponent Said is worth 14 and not 4 that those are the rules is this statement true or is 4
Steven says:

Hi, anyone know the rules to 6 player parcheesi? I have seen the one dice rules, were you play with one dice and 6 gets you out of home and also gives you another turn. I have seen the rule of breaking up walls with doubles. It was very difficult and frustrating to play 6 players, two hour plus game time... haha. We were thinking of only playing with 3 pawns each... any suggestions?
Kate says:

I have 3 pawns in the center and roll a double. Double ones. There is a pawn in front of me I can capture using one of the ones then I can continue 33 jumps. Is this a correct? I can only use one pawn for the whole roll as the others are finished, but can I stop and send home other people's pawns by pausing on my dice face numbers with only one active pawn?
Barb says:

If you roll a double 6 can a pawn move one to chase someone home and then move that same paw again 6 to capture another
Seme says:

Do you have to be able to move the bonus 20 in order to capture a man or are you unable to capture a man if you ar for example blocked by a blockade
Charles Chamber says:

if I have a pawn in my start space, and I roll double fives, can I take my pawn out? Thanks
Mike says:

You are 1 move away from the win. How many dice do you roll 1 or 2???
Vinny says:

What direction do you go when you play Parcheesi? Clockwise or counterclockwise?
michelle says:

Can I pass my turn when it's my turn trying to get home even if I could use the role?
Tammy says:

I have a question. I had one pawn left. I rolled an 11. It took me to the very last red home space with the arrow. Now I must roll a one according to the directions. It states with a diagram in the rules...if you are on D, you must roll a 3 to make it home. So I was deadlocked. I couldn't roll a one since I only had one pawn left?
Eric says:

Is it required to always take my "bonus" move? For example, one of my pawns is home, 2 others are making a blockade, and with my remaining pawn, I captured an opponent. Then I received a 20 move bonus, however, it is not possible for my free pawn (not in the blockade) to move 20 due to an opponent's blockade. It would be an advantage for me to not break up my blockade, but if I'm forced to take my bonus, it would.
Eric says:

The rules say that you must use your 5 roll to leave the start area. They also say that you can form a blockade with 2 of your pawns, but never more than 2. People have been forming blockades immediately from their first space (where you enter - safety space). In this case, when somebody rolls a 5, they cannot enter, so they must move another piece. Let's say, I have 1 pawn on the board (getting close to home row), 1 in the start, and 2 forming a blockade in the first space. If I roll a 5 and a 2, must I move one of the pawns from the blockade 2 spaces, and then bring the last pawn from the start into the first space (using the 5), or can I move my pawn on the board into the home row (my best advantage) since I cannot enter another pawn into the first space based on the current pawn positions?
pattyj says:

3 of my pawns are home, one left on the board. My opponent has a pawn 2 spaces in front of me. I roll a 2 & a 3. Can I knock him home with the 2 die or do I have to count both and only move as a 5 since this is my only pawn left on the board? Are the dice still considered as seperate counts?
Bonnie says:

Can I move pawns on the red home path? For example, pawn on is on the red home path six spaces from home and dice roll is one and two? Can the pawn move one, two and combination of three?
Chris says:

If I want to pass home in order to land on someone, may I go around the board again....or do I have to go home?
Brian says:

I have two pawns in the entry space already, and I roll a 3 and a 2. What happens now? In particular, do I get to keep my blockade, or do I have to give it up?
Chuck says:

Double 6's rolled can 1's be used to pass an occupied blue safe space? This created an argument.I say the 1's have to be used as separate moves an cannot be used together to pass an occupied blue safe space...HELP !
grannie says:

Craig, you did not roll a 14. You rolled 6,6,1,1. You can move 6, then 1, then 1 to get 8. You can also move 1,6,1 or 1,1,6. You might be able to hit multiple pawns by moving in a different order. You still have another 6 to be used by that pawn or or by another.
William Auger says:

If I have three of my pawns in the home square and my last pawn is three spaces from home, I need a total of four on my roll to get my last pawn home. Does this mean that I can only move the last pawn home by rolling a three and a one...or can I use the count on one die one die is a four? Thank you.
tim says:

Can I move my pawn onto my home path if the homepath is blocked at the bottom by an oponents pawn on the safe space? Can I go around the oponnents pawn?
Tim says:

I know I can't land a pawn on a safety space if it has an opponent pawn on it but can I pass the opponent pawn as long as I don't land on the safety space where the opponent pawn it.
Tim says:

Just learning to play Parchees . Regarding reaching home.If for example a pawn is 1 space away from home and one die has 1 0n it and the other has six can I move to home by using just the 1 count on one die and then move another pawn six spaces? Thankyou
Tamara says:

If you roll doubles but cannot move any pawns, you still get to roll again because the rule book says you roll again whenever you get doubles.
Tamara says:

Each die is a separate move so if you roll double 1's, then you would move your pawn one space because that is the only move you can make if your other 3 pawns are in home base
CB says:

3 of my pawns are in the home square. My last pawn is on the last space on the home path. The rules state that you need to move the exact role. How can I move 1 space if the lowest role I can get is 2? (1+1)
anthony says:

My daughter has a pawn on the last space of her home row and her other three pawns not yet entered. If she rolls double-sixes, is her turn over or does she get to roll again?
Dan says:

Yes you can use the pawn that captured another pawn to move the 20.
yo says:

Can a player send you home and use that same pawn to move twenty
CarpieD says:

You can combine any moves on a Doublet Bonus. For example, you can move ONE pawn the 8 spaces to capture an opponent, but then move a different pawn(s) the rest of the roll (6). Then take your 20 spaces for capturing the opponent.
craig says:

I have a question about a rule - all pawns are out, rolled double 6's I only want to move one pawn, I have a pawn I can capture 8 spaces away, do I have to move it as 14 or can I break it up to capture the pawn then finish my move with the same pawn.
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