Rock Me Archimedes Board Game

Official Rock Me Archimedes Rules

How To Play Rock Me Archimedes

Play Time
30 MIN
Play Time
What to play a challenging game that also throws in a little gravity and physics? Rock Me Archimedes is a brain twisting game where your goal is to get four of your marbles to the end of the board but look out for the tipping point. You'll have to plan each move with the thought in mind "will this throw the board off balance?"

Rock Me Archimedes is a great looking game that will get conversations started when seen and can even be a stylish modern decoration to a room. Learn how to play Rock Me Archimedes below and feel free to let us know what you think. Give your brain something to crunch on and give Rock Me Archimedes a try today.

Are you interested in seeing more games themed like this one? Please check out our list of best dexterity board games to see more games that are similar to Rock Me Archimedes. You'll be sure to find more games that you can learn how to play at your next game night.
  • Inside The Box You'll See A Wooden Rocker Board
  • A Wooden Platform
  • A Marble Tray
  • One Die
  • 12 Black Marbles
  • 12 White Marbles
  • Official Rock Me Archimedes Game Rules And Instructions
How to Win
In Rock Me Archimedes, you are trying to get four marbles to the end of the board without reading the tipping point.
How to Win
Perparation: Set up board.

Game Play: 1. On your turn, either add one of your marbles to any space in the mid zone, or roll the die and move one or more of your marbles the number of spaces indicated.

2. If either end of the rocker board touches the table, the player who caused it to happen forfeits the game and his or her opponent wins.

Please keep in mind that the official Rock Me Archimedes PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.

We are on the hunt for more information about Rock Me Archimedes but have not found anything yet. If you have any information regaring the Rock Me Archimedes game rules or instuctions let us know and we will add it to this page. We will post any updates to this page as soon as we find it.

Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about playing, problems with the directions, etc. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.

Beth says:

Are players required to use all their marbles or does each player only use what it takes to win
Luis says:

Hi, I am wonder if someone knows what happen if both players have 3 marbles in both sides? I had this situation and we blocked each other. Thanks,
Angelo says:

Does the game have rules and instructions in italian ?
Miguel says:

If you start with no marbles on the board how can you throw the dice as there are no marbles as yet to move? So does this mean the first move has to be to place marbles in the central area?
Luke says:

Can u jump 2 opponent marbles at a time or just 1?
Nancy says:

what happens if opponent dropts marble
Graham says:

Nana: Yes, you can move your marble in any direction. Sydney and Colette: A jump of any number of your opponent's contiguous marbles counts as "1" of your move steps, even if it's two or three or more marbles in a row. You cannot jump any of your *own* marbles, however. Maudie: You're right, that's a quirk in the rules, and, I believe, should be changed by a house rule. (Otherwise, everyone would just aim for their opponent's end zone — it's easier to get 3 there than to get 4 in your own!)
NaNa says:

Can you move your marble backwards
Maudie says:

What happens if your opponent has their marbles in your inzone and there is not room for you to put your foyr marbles there?
Sydney says:

We would like clarification of the meaning of "move", is jumping the opponents marble one move or two? For now we decided to use a house rule, until we have clarification otherwise. So, our house rule is: you can only jump an opponent if you roll a 2 or 3, and a jump would count as two moves.
Colette says:

By jumping your opponent's marbles, is the consensus that 'jumping' means one opponent marble at a time with a space between them - as in Chinese Checkers - though the string of opponent marbles would constitute one move, OR, does the interpretation mean one jump involves vaulting over any number of adjacent opponent marbles with no spaces between them?



Human Question:
Which game starts with the same letter as Mancala: Chess, Uno, Monopoly, Battleship or Rummycube

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