Telestrations Game

How To Play Telestrations

Telestrations Game Rules (PDF Instructions)

4 - 8
Play Time
30 MIN
Play Time
Telestrations is a visual version of the verbal game "telephone" where one person starts off with one word or phrase and passes it on to the next person and so it goes down a line of people. What the last person will say will usually surprise you as it is so far from where it started. Telestrations does all this by drawing and object or phrase. The next person has to interpret that drawing and write down what they think it is. The next person draws what the previous person guessed and so on.

Telestrations is a fun and hilarious laid back "game" where things get crazy fast and drawings start straying from the original concept. When everyone is done you can review everyone's drawings and see where things got off track and laugh at the funny interpretations.

Each player starts with a drawing board, a marker, and a card with a secret word or phrase. Players take turns drawing the word or phrase on their board, trying to convey its meaning to the next player. After the drawing is completed, the player passes their board to the next player, who must guess what the word or phrase is. After guessing, the next player writes their best guess on the back of the board and passes it to the next player who must draw their interpretation of the word or phrase.

This process continues until the board makes its way around the group, and players can compare the initial word or phrase to the final drawing. Points are awarded to players who correctly guess the original word or phrase and players with the most points win the game.

Telestrations is a game that can be played by 4 to 8 players. It's a fun game that is great for parties and family gatherings, and can be played by ages 8+. It's a game that encourages creativity and communication, and it's a great way to spend time with friends and family. It's also a great way to practice visual literacy and learning how to express oneself through drawings. Add this fun party game to your gaming closet and make some laughs at your next party.

Are you interested in seeing more games themed like this one? Please check out our list of best drawing board games to see more games that are similar to Telestrations. You'll be sure to find more games that you can learn how to play at your next game night.
  • You Should Have 142 Cards
  • 8 Markers
  • 8 Sketch Boards
  • 8 Cleanup Cloths
  • 60 Second Timer
  • 1 Die
  • Official Telestrations Game Rules And Instructions
How to Win
Uniquely different from most games, Telestrations doesn't include a winner and is merely a fun activity to do with friends and family.
How to Win
Please keep in mind that the official Telestrations PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.

Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about playing, problems with the directions, etc. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.



Human Question:
Which game starts with the same letter as Mancala: Chess, Uno, Monopoly, Battleship or Rummycube

Page says:

Love love love this game. We had such a fun time playing Telestrations. The rules were so easy to learn how to play that even the little kids could play along too. We had some interesting drawings.
Ivan says:

We used to play this as a family when we all got together for dinner. I don't think we ever looked at the rules to learn how to play. It was pretty self explanatory. Fun game though - make sure you wipe off the drawings before storing it though or it will be really tough getting it off.
Jen says:

We are playing this game right now and are having a blast. I like how there is no pressure to "win." It is just a fun laid back activity to do. We just needed to clarify a few thing to make sure we were doing things right which is why I am writing this. Better get back to drawing...
Here are some other games you might like to play at your next get together. Learning how to play new games can feel daunting at first but once you get the hang of it, it can be really fun to try out new games. You can also use our search feature at the top of the page to search for a specific criteria that might interest you. Who knows - you might just find your next favorite game.

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