Trivial Pursuit Board Game

Official Trivial Pursuit Rules

How To Play Trivial Pursuit

2 - 6
Play Time
60 MIN
Play Time
Trivial Pursuit is a classic trivia board game that challenges players' knowledge across a wide range of topics. Designed for two or more players or teams, the game features a circular board divided into pie-shaped wedges, each representing a different category such as history, geography, entertainment, arts and literature, science and nature, and sports and leisure. Players advance around the board by correctly answering trivia questions corresponding to the category of the wedge they land on. The objective of Trivial Pursuit is to collect one wedge of each color by correctly answering questions, and then return to the center of the board to answer a final question and win the game.

The gameplay of Trivial Pursuit tests players' knowledge across a diverse array of subjects, making it both educational and entertaining. With thousands of trivia questions covering a wide range of topics, each game offers a fresh and engaging experience. Trivial Pursuit encourages players to compete individually or in teams, fostering friendly competition and encouraging collaborative problem-solving. The game's customizable nature allows players to tailor the experience to their preferences, whether focusing on specific categories or incorporating additional challenges and house rules.

Trivial Pursuit's enduring popularity lies in its ability to appeal to players of all ages and backgrounds. Whether played as a lighthearted social activity among friends and family or as a competitive pursuit in organized tournaments, Trivial Pursuit offers a fun and intellectually stimulating experience. Its combination of trivia knowledge, strategic gameplay, and social interaction has solidified its status as one of the most beloved and iconic board games of all time.

If you are looking for the original trivia game that started them all, Trivial Pursuit is the right board game for you. The goal of the game is to collect a pie piece for each color or category on the game board. Six different trivial categories will test your knowledge as you make your way around the circular track. The board game Trivial Pursuit is different in that each player can choose which direction they want to go on the game board to best help them master all categories. This can be a fun game for groups or just a few people trying to test their knowledge; some could call that a “trivial pursuit.”
  • Trivial Pursuit Game Board
  • Question And Answer Cards In 2 Card Storage Boxes
  • 1 Die
  • 6 Tokens
  • 36 Scoring Wedges
  • 1 Code Card
  • Official Trivial Pursuit Rules And Instructions
How to Win
Object of Trivial Pursuit is to move around the circular track and spokes correctly answering questions, and to collect a wedge for correctly answering a question in each of the six categories you have chosen. To win Trivial Pursuit, a player (or team) returns to the hexagonal hub and correctly answers the game-winning question in a category chosen by the other players.
How to Win
Please keep in mind that the official Trivial Pursuit PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.

Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about playing, problems with the directions, etc. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.

Leah says:

This game was so fun to play and whoever made it up deserves a trophy!
Brooke says:

I like how trivia pursuit uses a wide variety of subjects or methods for answering a question. I had kind of forgot about this board game so I had to reread through the rules to remember all the specifics about how to play.
Lacy says:

Glad to see the different versions of the game rules. We have an older version that is slightly different and now we have our instructions back. Thanks - we were wanted to learn how to play the right way.
Drake says:

Honestly I've never played this game but from looking at the rules it looks really interesting. I'll have to look into buying this one for our next game night.
Mary Black says:

I would like to know how to get the game pieces for Triva Pusute 1980 Game Thank you Mary Black e-mail



Human Question:
Which game starts with the same letter as Mancala: Chess, Uno, Monopoly, Battleship or Rummycube

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