Watch Ya Mouth Game

How To Play Watch Ya Mouth

Watch Ya Mouth Game Rules (PDF Instructions)

3 - 10
Play Time
15 MIN
Play Time
Have you ever heard someone say something only to find out that is not what they really said? Well, Watch Ya' Mouth is a hilarious game where it forces you to say things that others will completely misinterpret - not to mention the silly mouth pieces will make you look goofy adding to the effect of the nonsense you're trying to say.

Once everyone is on board with looking a little silly and showing some teeth, this game is a riot. You'll be rolling on the ground with laughter as you try to understand what your team mate is saying as they struggle to say it correctly. Definitely a fun party game to bring out with your friends and family.
  • Watch Ya' Mouth Comes With 143 Phrase Cards
  • 10 Mouthpieces (6 Regular For Adults
  • 4 Small For Kids)
  • A 60-second Timer
  • Official Watch Ya' Mouth Game Rules And Instructions
How to Win
Be the team with the most points by correctly interpreting what your team mates are saying an you'll be the Watch Ya' Mouth champions.
How to Win
Please keep in mind that the official Watch Ya Mouth PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.

Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about playing, problems with the directions, etc. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.



Human Question:
Which game starts with the same letter as Mancala: Chess, Uno, Monopoly, Battleship or Rummycube

Megan says:

I think this is kind of obvious but this makes your mouth look really really weird. I didn't like that part of it. If there was some other way to make you sound funny I'd go for it but I didn't really want to put my whole mouth on display. I felt like I was at the dentist.
Sue says:

Thanks for the game rules. I couldn't find them anywhere. I decided to try one more since I lost mine and I finally found them here. I already know how to play but I wanted to keep a copy with the game.
Andrea says:

I heard about this on the radio as the DJ was actually wearing one of these mouth pieces and I was busting up laughing in the car. I'll have to pick this up and try it at my next party. Sounded very funny.
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