Official WaterGame Rules
How To Play WaterGame

3 - 4


40 MIN
Play Time

When it's hot outside, floating down a cool river sounds so nice. How about playing a game where you get to do just that? This easy-to-play cooperative game is a big hit with kids! Players roll dice, float down the river, and draw "Saving" and "Wasting" cards to learn how to save water in everyday life. A game this fun disguises that you are actually learning quite a bit along the way.
WaterGame is a fun, engaging and entertaining game for kids ages seven and older. Aimed at 4th graders, this game can help teach anyone about how to conserve water and help not waste this valuable resource. WaterGame is colorful with wonderful graphics and you'll have a blast playing over and over with the kids. Grab your copy of WaterGame and play it today - you might learn a thing or two.
WaterGame is a fun, engaging and entertaining game for kids ages seven and older. Aimed at 4th graders, this game can help teach anyone about how to conserve water and help not waste this valuable resource. WaterGame is colorful with wonderful graphics and you'll have a blast playing over and over with the kids. Grab your copy of WaterGame and play it today - you might learn a thing or two.
- Game Board
- 4 Color Fishes
- 5 Circle Markers
- Cards
- Official WaterGame Game Rules And Instructions

The game ends when all the players have reached the mouth of the river. The winner is the player with the most water. The player who uses water carefully and saves the most wins the game.

Please keep in mind that the official WaterGame PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.
Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about playing, problems with the directions, etc. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.
Harold says:
this would be so good for my grandson and granddaughter. They love games and this one sounds like something up their alley.
this would be so good for my grandson and granddaughter. They love games and this one sounds like something up their alley.
Here are some other games you might like to play at your next get together. Learning how to play new games can feel daunting at first but once you get the hang of it, it can be really fun to try out new games. You can also use our search feature at the top of the page to search for a specific criteria that might interest you. Who knows - you might just find your next favorite game.