Official Beat the Parents Rules
How To Play Beat the Parents



45 MIN
Play Time

Beat the Parents will test your knowledge of the opposite generation with a series of funny trivia questions. Make your way across the game board trying to be first to pass the finish line. Parents will be asked an assortment of questions that the average kid could probably answer and adults may have forgotten. Kids are asked questions that they may not have even thought about yet. And, to make the board game Battle of the Sexes even more interesting there will be Wild Cards added into play that could send you crawling backwards or jumping on ahead.
Beat the Parents is a fun family board game where all ages can join in on the fun and add their knowledge of different age groups. Play Beat the Parents with your family today!
Beat the Parents is a fun family board game where all ages can join in on the fun and add their knowledge of different age groups. Play Beat the Parents with your family today!
- Beat The Parents Includes The Game Board
- 55 Parent Wild Cards
- 55 Question Cards
- 55 Kids Wild Cards
- 12 Player Tokens
- Official Beat The Parents Game Rules And Instructions

The first player or team to get both tokens across the board wins the game. Do your parents really know everything or do your kids call the shots?

Please keep in mind that the official Beat the Parents PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.
- Beat the Parents Game Rules PDF
- Beat the Parents Card Game Rules PDF
- Beat the Parents Family Challenge Game Rules PDF
Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about playing, problems with the directions, etc. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.
Ssundee says:
The wild cards for the opposition on your own side are always back a space
The wild cards for the opposition on your own side are always back a space
Christian says:
What if you are forced to move back onto a space where one of your team's pieces are already there?
What if you are forced to move back onto a space where one of your team's pieces are already there?
Alison Thomson says:
How do u know which way to move
How do u know which way to move
Meko says:
Do you move row by row or you move vertically?
Do you move row by row or you move vertically?
Karen says:
Do you have to ask the questions in chronological order?
Do you have to ask the questions in chronological order?
Jocelyne says:
Our game doesn't have any wild cards is a normal?
Our game doesn't have any wild cards is a normal?
Barbara says:
If a team gets both pieces across the board, but one of the opponents pieces still occupies its original start space. How do you win: move onto that space anyway?
If a team gets both pieces across the board, but one of the opponents pieces still occupies its original start space. How do you win: move onto that space anyway?
Abbey says:
Thanks for the summary of the game, now I know if I would like to buy this game for family fun, :)
Thanks for the summary of the game, now I know if I would like to buy this game for family fun, :)
gavyn says:
thanks for for the rules lost them
thanks for for the rules lost them
Jaron says:
Thanks for the game rules - bought this at a yard sale and none where included. Now we know how to play.
Thanks for the game rules - bought this at a yard sale and none where included. Now we know how to play.
linda says:
Cant play because there is no clear path to gollow
Cant play because there is no clear path to gollow
suzanne says:
We also are unsure how to move the pieces across the board, the arrows don't use all the spaces and there doesn't seem to be a path.
We also are unsure how to move the pieces across the board, the arrows don't use all the spaces and there doesn't seem to be a path.
Kerin says:
I can't find this game in any stores? Help!
I can't find this game in any stores? Help!
Katie says:
Very fun game, gets kids to work together, but we are a little confused as to how exactly to move across the board as there is no clear path to follow.
Very fun game, gets kids to work together, but we are a little confused as to how exactly to move across the board as there is no clear path to follow.
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