Yahtzee Game

How To Play Yahtzee Dice

Yahtzee Dice Game Rules (PDF Instructions)

2 - 10
Play Time
45 MIN
Play Time
Yahtzee is an old time favorite and well known dice game played with 5 dice and a lot of luck. Players must roll the dice and attempt to get the highest number of points by rolling the exact combinations listed on your score sheet. You'll only get three shots to get your combination. You never know, you just might get a Yahtzee (all five dice the same number)!

The objective of the game is to roll certain combinations of numbers on the dice in order to score the most points. The game consists of 13 rounds, and in each round, the player rolls the dice up to three times to try to achieve a specific combination. The player can choose which dice to keep and which to re-roll on each roll. After the third roll, the player must score the roll in one of 13 categories on the scorecard.

The categories include:
  • Ones: the sum of all ones rolled
  • Twos: the sum of all twos rolled
  • Threes: the sum of all threes rolled
  • Fours: the sum of all fours rolled
  • Fives: the sum of all fives rolled
  • Sixes: the sum of all sixes rolled
  • Three of a kind: the sum of all five dice if at least three are the same
  • Four of a kind: the sum of all five dice if at least four are the same
  • Full House: 25 points if three of a kind and a pair are rolled
  • Small Straight: 30 points if four sequential dice are rolled
  • Large Straight: 40 points if five sequential dice are rolled
  • Yahtzee: 50 points if five of a kind are rolled
  • Chance: the sum of all five dice
A player can earn a bonus of 35 points if they score 63 or more points in the upper section of the scorecard. The game can be played by one or more players and is a popular game for families and groups of friends. Yahtzee is a game of luck and strategy, where players roll five dice to try to achieve different combinations of numbers that will earn them points. The player with the highest total score at the end of the game wins.

Yahtzee is easy to learn how to play and extremely portable. Play it with as many people as you want (up to ten recommended). To learn more about how to play, check out our Yahtzee rules and instructions. Give it a try today!
  • The Contents Are 5 Dice
  • A Dice Cup
  • Score Pad
  • 10 Bonus Chips And The Yahtzee Game Rules And Instructions
How to Win
Roll dice for scoring combinations and get the highest total score.
How to Win
Please keep in mind that the official Yahtzee PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.

Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about playing, problems with the directions, etc. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.



Human Question:
Which game starts with the same letter as Mancala: Chess, Uno, Monopoly, Battleship or Rummycube

Carol Conant says:

My wife and I play Yahtzee every day with are coffee in the morning it gets are day going we just love it.
Denise says:

My family loved Triple Yahtzee when I was a teenager. I like regular Yahtzee too, but Triple Yahtzee is special to me. I just got some scorecards from eBay. I'm going to laminate them. That way I can wash them off and reuse them.
Maggie says:

Yahtzee is one of my favorite games. No matter how "good" you might think you are, there is still an element of luck that will throw you off and make it an even playing field. Learning how to play the game rules is easy since you really only need to fill out the score card. I've tried a lot of the other versions of Yahtzee and they are also fun (although the original has a special place in my heart).
Trish says:

I like how there really are no rules to this game. All you have to do it try to get the set combinations that are on your score card and that's it. I taught my parents how to play and they loved it. I'll have to try out the different versions of Yahtzee I noticed above.
patricia says:

If someone crossing out yahtzee but rolls it again can that count it has 50 points.
rebecca chase says:

i play yahtzee with my family and i got 3 yahtzees in one game and i won it was fun i love yahtzee a lot
Paula says:

I scored a second Yahtzee. The lower half of my card was filled, and nothing upper section corresponded with the numbers in my Yahtzee role. How should I have scored that roll? Thank you!
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