Caribbean Board Game

Official Caribbean Rules

How To Play Caribbean

2 - 4
Play Time
30 MIN
Play Time
In the 18th-century Caribbean, the game board sets the stage with six pirate ships poised for plunder upon the open sea, ready to raid wealthy ports and seize treasure from rival vessels. The ocean expanse is divided into distinct spaces, while each player controls three designated safe havens, denoted by markers in their respective colors on the board. In games with fewer players, any unoccupied safe havens are treated as standard sea spaces, adding an element of strategic maneuvering.

Players aim to entice the pirate ships to deliver treasure crates exclusively to their safe havens, avoiding their opponents' territories. However, as the pirate ships are not affiliated with any player, bribing becomes essential. Players must offer bribes in the form of rum barrels to influence the actions of the pirate ships. In each round, players compete to offer the most enticing bribes, allowing them to direct the movement of a ship based on the number of barrels indicated on their bribing chips. The active ships can carry out various actions, including pillaging crates, transferring cargo between vessels, or delivering loot to safe havens. The ultimate objective is to accumulate the most doubloons by the game's end, securing victory through cunning strategy and shrewd negotiation.

Are you interested in seeing more games themed like this one? Please check out our list of best pirate themed board games to see more games that are similar to Caribbean. You'll be sure to find more games that you can learn how to play at your next game night.
  • Your Game Has Inside A Game Board
  • 4 Card Holders
  • 35 Coins
  • Bribe Cards
  • 16 Treasure Chests
  • 6 Pirate Ships And The Caribbean Game Rules And Instructions
How to Win
If you find yourself with the most doubloons at the end of the game, congratulations - you are the winner.
How to Win
Please keep in mind that the official Caribbean PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.

We are on the hunt for more information about Caribbean but have not found anything yet. If you have any information regaring the Caribbean game rules or instuctions let us know and we will add it to this page. We will post any updates to this page as soon as we find it.

Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about playing, problems with the directions, etc. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.

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