Dweebies Game

How To Play Dweebies

Dweebies Game Rules (PDF Instructions)

2 - 6
Play Time
15 MIN
Play Time
Dweebies offers a refreshing twist on traditional card games, where the objective remains to collect the most cards for victory. However, what sets Dweebies apart is its unique and engaging gameplay, suitable for players of nearly all ages. A randomized "game board" is formed using the cards, and players must strategically match cards with those placed at the ends of single rows to claim all the cards within the row. This dynamic approach adds an element of strategy and excitement to each round, ensuring a thrilling experience for all involved.

Perfect for parties and social gatherings, Dweebies is a game that's quick to learn and easy to play, making it an ideal choice for players of varying skill levels. Its accessibility makes it suitable for children while still offering enough depth to provide a challenge for more seasoned players. Whether you're looking to introduce a new game to your family game night or spice up a get-together with friends, Dweebies promises hours of entertainment and friendly competition. Give it a try today and put your strategic skills to the test as you vie to collect the most cards and emerge victorious.

The whimsical world of the Dweebies is as endearing as it is captivating, with their vibrant colors and quirky personalities bringing a smile to players' faces. Each Dweebie boasts a unique profession or hobby, reflected in their names and distinctive traits. Despite their charming appearance, mastering the game of Dweebies proves to be deceptively challenging. One key strategy tip shared by a Dweebie is to prevent any line of cards from becoming too long, highlighting the importance of careful planning and tactical decision-making. Explore the world of Dweebies and discover the joy of this delightful card game today.
  • Fifty Four Cards
  • Official Dweebies Game Rules And Instructions
How to Win
Throughout the game, you are tying to match Dweebies on both ends of any line in play in an attempt to collect the most cards.
How to Win
Perparation: Shuffle the deck and deal each player a hand of five face-down cards. Look at your cards, but keep them hidden from your opponents. Notice the number of dots under the Dweebie in the top left and bottom right corners; this indicates how many times the Dweebie appears in the deck. Place the remaining cards face down in a draw pile within easy reach of all players.

Game Play: The person with the least amount of hair goes first, and play continues to the left. On each turn, follow these three steps in order:
  1. Place a card: Take any one card from your hand and place it face-up on the playing surface.
  2. Collect Dweebies: If you match the Dweebie on the other end of any line, you get to collect all the cards in that line.
  3. Draw a card: Finish your turn by taking the top card from the draw pile into your hand.
Choose a card from your hand and place it face-up on the playing surface. If there are no face-up cards in play, place your card in the center. If there are face-up cards already in play, place your card next to one of them. Cards can be placed above, below, to the left, or to the right.

Dweebies will form lines both vertically and horizontally. You may collect cards if you place a Dweebie at the end of any line that matches the Dweebie at the other end of the same line. Collect the entire line, including the two end cards, and place them in a face-down pile in front of you.

Matching Dweebies must be at the very end of a line, not somewhere in the middle. Diagonal lines cannot be collected.

As the game progresses, a group of Dweebies will grow in the middle. If this group is split into several smaller groups when a player collects a line of cards, players must place cards to rejoin the Dweebies by the shortest possible link. No player may collect Dweebies until they are once again connected!

If you forget to draw a card at the end of your turn, you may draw at any time. When the draw pile is empty, continue playing with the cards in your hands until everyone is out of cards. The game ends at that point, and the player who has collected the most cards wins.

Please keep in mind that the official Dweebies PDF rules listed below could be different depending on the version you have. They should be an exact copy of what came in your original packaging. Download them to view now or print them for later use.

Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about playing, problems with the directions, etc. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.



Human Question:
Which game starts with the same letter as Mancala: Chess, Uno, Monopoly, Battleship or Rummycube

Jamie M says:

This is one of those card games that you can play with your kids and them making mistakes actually make the game more of a challenge for you. I've been beaten multiple times by my kids and I was trying my hardest to win. Fun game; I recommend Dweebies (and is super easy to learn how to play with the illustrated game rules).
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